My thoughts on generalizations and the boxes we set each other in. Oh and of course, where I fit into all this..
Why generalize? But people do, do that. People put people and concepts within boxes, in their minds. It is human natures way of coping with the vast amount of information that gets thrown at it every day. At it's basis is a form of survival.
Now, all us here within bdsm are in a box. Society has put us there. This box has many names, perverts, deviants, weirdos, them people that do that stuff to each other box. And withinn this box of ours, again people generalize and place people in compartments with names also. Dom/mes, subs, sadists, masochists, fetishists, rubberists etc etc....
There are limits we here place on ourselves and where we draw the lines of demarkation that seperate our own little boxes. Within that knowledge I was trying to find out where I fit in withing this larger box of ours.
If it was always done in a certain way *what some people might consider the right or proper way* then wouldn't that be just as boring as straight vanilla sex with lights out? So often when sex and bdsm and vanilla life and everything else all fits together it's mindblowing for the people involved.
BDSM isn't always about sex, but it is sometimes.
Sex isn't always about BDSM, but it is sometimes.
You see, I do not see myself as vanilla, nor do I see myself as solely bdsm. I do not see myself serving a Dom 24/7, neither do I see myself as always wanting sex. I do not see myself being play partner neither do I see myself as never wanting that. I do not see always needing pain, but sometimes cuddles and reassurance. I do not see myself as always happy with my lot, nor am I disatisfied. Sometime I see myself as fat, at other times, I am just me.
The only boundaries that are placed on me in life are the boundries and limitations of other peoples minds. So does me wanting a loving and sexual relationship with a man even a woman,(I bi and happy to be so,) wanting a man or woman to do all kinds of wonderful and painful things to me, in their form as a Dom/me, make me a devient in a sub society of deviants? NO. It just makes me, me!
You see I try to have no boundaries or limits in my life. I try to be free to explore and sense what is around me. I do not feel constrained by my thoughts on what I should be or not be. I have a foot, a hand, a brain cell in every box. We should exist to live, not live to exist.
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