Thursday, March 17, 2011


I AM.... very different on the inside than a lot of people think, and only a few have been allowed to see.

I SAID.... I would not fix people this year.. so far I am doing pretty well on that.

I WANT.... my self belief to return.

I WISH.... I could just be me, rather than a personality that is made up of triggers that others have left.

I HATE.... nothing.. Hate is wasteful.

I MISS.... my self esteem and confidence.

I FEAR.... losing the ability to think or to write. To being alone. These scare me beyond belief.

I HEAR.... your voice and I melt.

I WONDER.... what people see in me to make them hang around, even love me.

I REGRET.... a lot of my actions when I was living in Penarth, I look back and think wtf?

I AM NOT.... as wordly wise for my age as people think.

I DANCE.... with Annon. Alone. Whenever I can; I love to dance.

I SING....badly and loudly but like the dancing it helps.

I CRY... often. But I believe sincerely that the healing properties of tears are seriously underrated.

I AM NOT ALWAYS.... as confident/strong as people think I am.

I MADE.... my bed, and whatever the consequences, I will lie in it.

I WRITE.... all the time. All of it. But I love to write, so this suits me fine.

I CONFUSE....a lot of people it would seem. I don't mean to.. it just happens.

I NEED.... to believe in myself. Easier said than done.

I SHOULD.... get out and visit more often.

I START.... to think and then I think too much...

I FINISH.... relationships with great difficulty. Relationships of any nature, not merely romantic. And even when one is ended, despite knowing that the person must be ex lover/friend etc for the good of my mental health, it doesn't mean I can forget them or what happened easily. It stays with me for a long time.

I TAG.... no one. Anyone. This is a meme I did for me. For a change

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