Saturday, February 19, 2011


Have you ever felt that instantaneous bond with someone?
As you read their words, as you allow your eyes to drink the words as you identify with their sexual soul, it’s like there is an unseen connection, a knowing that travels back and forth from you to them.

The longer you spend with them, the more the feeling grows, warm and silky like hot, oozing molasses they snake into the silent parts of your mind, softly settling until you realise they gently haunt your thoughts. This coupling happens immediately, and as you spend time with that person, as you really listen and recognize that you share their values and qualities, beliefs you hold so closely yourself, you feel the bond grow stronger and stronger.

Sometimes you instantly know you like and trust them, it’s as if you’ve known them for a long, long time. And the distance and differences between you collapse in the unique beauty of the priceless and timeless connection between you and them. Barriers dissolve, walls melt and defences relax because you feel so absolutely comfortable, safe and at ease with them, and you are able to imagine a time in the future when you are electrifying close to this person, and you realize that from the first moment you encountered them, you were captivated. As you connect and respond, the power surges as it races through your veins. It feels good, and it builds, pulsing and pounding as your attachment deepens.

Take a few moments to feel out your own pulse…on your wrist…. or maybe your neck, allow the throb of your own lifeblood to feedback through your fingers…and smile because life is so precious and fragile, and for those vital seconds you held your own life-force consciously close. Allow your eyes to meet with those of strangers and share your grace. Someone wise once said, you don’t know that your smile won’t save someone’s life in that moment. It matters, it makes a difference and for all you know, that stranger may be me.

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